Remembering Richard Piesse

We remember Richard Piesse,

Champion Castlemaine Naturalist and Volunteer

Saturday 15th February, 3-5pm.

Tea Rooms, Castlemaine Botanical Gardens

You are invited to join with the Castlemaine Field Naturalists Club and staff and volunteers from the Castlemaine Visitor Information Centre for an informal gathering to remember Richard Piesse, who died on 28th December, 2024.

Richard was a long-term active member of CFNC and loyal volunteer with the Castlemaine Visitor Information Centre. He knew our bushlands well through managing the building of the Leanganook as well as the Lerderderg tracks of the Great Dividing Trail Network, and his knowledge of the flora of the region was extraordinary. He was a generous and kind mentor and a passionate advocate for our local bush.

Please join us to share memories of and to celebrate Richard’s life and contributions over afternoon tea. Afterwards, there will be an option for a walk in the Castlemaine Botanical Gardens Nature Reserve, one of the many bushlands that has benefitted from Richard’s efforts.


Meet: Saturday 15th February, 3-5pm, Tea Rooms, Castlemaine Botanical Gardens.

Parking: First car park along Downes Rd from Walker St.

Bring a small plate to share for afternoon tea. Tea and coffee will be provided.

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So: what might World Heritage status mean?

Readers will have noticed prominent coverage in the national press of Federal support for the proposal to get UNESCO world heritage nomination for the Victorian goldfields.

FOBIF has taken a keen interest in the ongoing work on this proposal. You can find our 2024 submission to the World Heritage bid team here

Summing up the values that might justify listing is a tricky business, because ‘listing’ can very easily be understood as ‘celebrating’, and plenty of what happened during the gold rushes definitely should not be celebrated: the ongoing dispossession of First Nations people, and the complete trashing of our environment come to mind. World Heritage listing does NOT necessarily mean celebration: it’s worth noting that the Auschwitz death camp is on the list.

Cobblers Gully puddling wheel: such things are charming curiosities now–but Captain Bull tried unsuccessfully to ban them in 1855 because they poured sludge into creeks, polluting the region’s water.

The bid team have declared their full awareness of the complexity of goldfields history, and their determination to avoid a cheap glorification of gold which would gloss over the human and environmental costs of mining. In this, they’re in for a bit of a high wire [or is it juggling?] act, and will have to contend with the apparent ignorance or carelessness of politicians addicted to hype.  A good example might be a statement by Federal Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek:

‘The Victorian Goldfields tell so many stories – of waves of immigration, of building beautiful towns from a harsh landscape, that have stood the test of time.’

The central Victorian landscapes were not ‘harsh’ when the diggers arrived. They became so after they were torn to pieces in the search for gold. The Environment Minister should know this, and be careful of slipping into one of the worst clichés of Australian history: that new arrivals had to struggle with a hostile landscape.

The Age/SMH article linked above is a good example of Gold boosterism—perhaps a consequence of reporter ignorance, but common enough anyway. The article is illustrated by an evocative picture of the Porcupine gold dredge; the writer forgot to caption the article with info to the effect that dredging was a major factor in the destruction of our rivers.

Further, it’s well to be cautious about promotion of World Heritage for economic reasons. We’re told that ‘A 2024 economic assessment found that the listing could see 2.5 million new visitors to the Victorian Goldfields Region over 10 years, with an estimated visitor spending increase into local economies of over $500 million.’ Will those visitors be enticed to the region with challenging tales of a region in turmoil, of wholesale ethnic cleansing, and ravaged landscapes? Or will the invitation emphasise nice verandas, picturesque ruins and good coffee?

And there’s an irony here: coffee and verandas aside, the powerful charm of the Castlemaine Diggings NHP is dependent on its haunted sense of abandonment. Would that sense of loneliness and loss survive a campaign of mass tourism? It’s doubtful.

Of course, it’s the complex picture that’s the more interesting one: as FOBIF noted in a submission on National Heritage in 2004, ‘ the unique experience provided by the Diggings Park is the sense it gives of the devastation of the past and the gradual and inspiring recovery of the landscape. Visitors who see the very rare ancient trees, the rich understorey and the regrowth on mining sites can appreciate this remarkable phenomenon, not as a thing of the past, but as a reality now.’

The tourism industry doesn’t usually go for complexity, however, and from a monetary point of view, they might be right.

Section of a sign board, Eureka Reef: the story told is a complex one, and is all the more interesting for that.

On a more positive note, it’s encouraging to see a better informed comment from Premier Jacinta Allen:

“When you consider what makes this part of the world the unique place that it is, there is the unique natural environment, the Box Ironbark Forest where you can see the cultural markers of the original custodians of the Dja Dja Wurrung people,” Ms Allan said.
“From the historic streets of Bendigo to the grand buildings of Castlemaine and the untouched mining landscapes of Walhalla – the Goldfields stand as a living testament to those who came to Victoria, seeking a better life and how they transformed the state.”

What is at stake here is the question of truth in history. It goes past the cheap business of ‘balance’, or the crude classifications of the ‘black armband’ and ‘three cheers’ views of our past. It has to do with who we really are as a community.

Over 150 years ago Ernest Renan argued that ‘forgetfulness, and I would even say historical error, are essential in the creation of a nation.’ In other words, people should tell themselves comforting lies about their history, so they can pretend that they have no responsibility to correct the injustices of the past. If it’s not properly managed, World Heritage could become such a comforting lie. The bid team face a tricky task if they’re to put up a proposal that avoids the clichés, and chooses a narrative that’s truthful, challenging and exhilarating.

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Online talk tomorrow-Grasslands, burning and the CFA

Although outside our area, this talk should be interesting.

Dr Joshua Hodges will talk about the CFA, covering its structure, officer roles, the politics, decision-making, funding, the ecological consequences of fire (or its lack) in grasslands, what you can do, and what needs to change. Last year Joshua gave us the lowdown on the Wimmera grasslands.

Joshua is a fire and grassland ecologist and a CFA Vegetation Management Officer.

Joshua’s online talk starts at 6:30 pm Tuesday 4 February. The regular Grassy Plains Network meeting will follow from 7:30–8:30 pm. Register here.

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Summer Flowers

You may have noticed that one of our local wattle species is in full flower right now. Lightwood (Acacia implexa) is a long-lived small tree that is most common in our region on granite soils, including on the slopes of Tarrengower and Leanganook (Mount Alexander). The summer flowering pattern of this species stands out from our other local wattles, most of which flower between late winter and spring.

Lightwood (Acacia implexa) – photo by Frances Cincotta

Did you know that the flowers of our local wattles do not produce nectar, and are predominately pollinated by native bees that gather the pollen? With different species of wattles flowering months apart, you tend to get different species of bees that act as the primary pollinators.  One of the most important groups is the Sweat Bees (Lasioglossum) which contains many different species. Birds and other insects also play a role in cross-pollination, but mostly incidentally as the pollen rubs off as they land near the flowers while foraging or perching. 

Native Bee (Lasioglossum species) on wattle, taken by Patrick Kavanagh

Throughout the box-ironbark region, most of our plant species flower across winter and spring, providing nectar and pollen for countless birds, insects and mammals. There are far fewer species that flower over summer, so those that do provide a valuable food source. These include several eucalypts, such as River Red Gum (Eucalyptus camaldulensis) and Candlebark (Eucalyptus rubida), which in good years can be densely covered in nectar and pollen-rich flowers. Sweet Bursaria (Bursaria spinosa) provides food for countless insects, including the threatened Eltham Copper Butterfly. It usually begins flowering in December or January, with one study documenting flower visitation  from  38  insect species,  including  beetles,  flies,  bees,  wasps,  moths  and  butterflies (Hawkeswood 1990).

Eltham Copper Butterfly feeding on the nectar of Sweet Bursaria flowers – photo by Karl Just

Several local mistletoe species reach peak flowering in summer, including Wire-leaf Mistletoe (Amyema preissii), Box Mistletoe (Amyema miquelii), Buloke Mistletoe (Amyema linophyllum) and Creeping Mistletoe (Muellerina eucalyptoides). These species produce nectar that attracts many birds, butterflies and other insects.   

If you have noticed more of our local species flowering over the hot summer months, let us know in the comments!

Creeping Mistletoe (Muellerina eucalyptoides) – photo by Frances Cincotta



Hawkeswood, T. (1990) Insect pollination of Bursaria spinosa in the Armidale Area, NSW. journal of Italian Entomology

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2025 FOBIF walks and subscriptions

FOBIF subscriptions for 2025 are now due. If you are a FOBIF member but haven’t received a subscription form in the mail or would like to become a new member you can find the relevant form here. Members who haven’t changed their details can skip filling out the form and deposit their subscription in the FOBIF bank account: BSB 633000 Account number 108508086. Include your surname/s as the reference. 

Our 2025 walks program is now online and you can read our latest newsletter here.

Loddon River walk, April 2024. Photo: Dom Lavie

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Vale Richard Piesse (1942-2024)

Richard Piesse died peacefully on Saturday, December 28, after a short stay in palliative care at Peter Mac. Richard was a contributor to our community in multiple ways—he was a volunteer for the Chewton Domain Society and the Tourist Information Centre and was active in the Great Dividing Trail Association, the Field Naturalists Club and FOBIF. He led many walks in the region for these community groups. He was an active supporter of Ern Perkins and the Field Naturalists in doing quadrat surveys, and the detailed knowledge he had of the natural history of this region made him an invaluable supporter and participant in the production of FOBIF field guides.

Richard Piesse (in green cap) as FOBIF walk leader, Tarilta Gorge 2015

Richard moved to Melbourne to be close to his children some years ago. He had been sick for some time, but this did not stop him from regularly coming back to Castlemaine on the train to volunteer in the Tourist Info centre in Mostyn Street, and to go on bush forays with Field Naturalists and FOBIF members, the most recent being in spring 2024.

Richard loved our bushlands and was a knowledgeable and engaging companion to have on bushwalks. Pugnacious and incisive, he was nevertheless ever ready to engage in positive exchanges with forest officers in the best interests of land management. His passing is a loss not just to his family and friends, but to our community as a whole.

Richard in a copse of the rare Acacia sporadica in the Fryers Forest, 2022. In spite of serious illness, he made many excursions into the bush.

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Have your say on the future of our State Forests

Changes are afoot in the management of Victoria’s state forests.  VicForests (the government-backed logging company) has been wound up and the government has released a survey on the future management of state forests. Here is a link to the survey with information from the Victorian National Parks Association:

Take action: wildlife deserve a safe future

FOBIF will be making a submission, and it would be great if there were lots of responses from individuals who care about the environment. You have until 12th January to have your say.


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Good News! MASC Biodiversity Strategy & Action Plan

In early December FOBIF sent a letter to Mount Alexander Shire Council requesting the adoption and resourcing of a Biodiversity Strategy & Action Plan in the next budget. The letter prepared by Asha Bannon (& endorsed by 21 local environmental groups) was presented to the Council last Tuesday. A packed public gallery of supporters included representatives from Connecting Country, Harcourt Valley Landcare, Maldon Urban Landcare and Castlemaine Landcare. Karl Just, Marie Jones, Gen Blades & Lisa Hall spoke in support of the proposal. We were pleased to hear the response from the Council – that they support the development of a Biodiversity Strategy and that it will be funded in the 2024-25 budget. They also assured us that FOBIF will be involved in the process.  You can view the Council meeting here

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More than just grass!

In Djaara country, we are just coming into Wurrumuk and Dhurung time – Long-necked Turtle and seed time. As the weather continues to warm in the early summer period, Long-necked Turtle is laying its eggs, while native grasses are producing masses of seed across the landscape (see the Dja Dja Wurrung Seasonal Calendar here).

Kangaroo Grass (Themeda triandra) at Happy Valley, Castlemaine

Grasses are often over-looked and under-appreciated, but they play a major role in our ecosystems. They not only provide food for grazing mammals such as Eastern Grey Kangaroo, but they are also host plants for thousands of insects. These include many moths, whose larvae feed on the roots of grasses, and some butterflies, whose larvae feed on the leaves. The seeds of grasses are also a protein-rich food source for many of our birds, including red-browed finches and diamond firetail.

The Marbled Xenica – the larvae of this species feed on native grasses such as Tussock-grass (Poa spp.) and Kangaroo Grass (Themeda triandra).

Grasses also help to sequester carbon and reduce soil erosion. Most of our native grasses are perennial, so they are generally deep-rooted and do a great job at holding the soil together. This contrasts to many of the annual grasses that have been introduced for agriculture, which tend to die back over spring, leaving the soil exposed and bare over the hot summer months.
There are two broad types of grass, called C3 and C4. The C3 grasses predominantly grow over the winter-spring period and include some of our most diverse genera such as Spear Grass (Austrostipa), Wallaby-grass (Rytidosperma) and Tussock-grass (Poa), as well as Weeping-grass (Microlaena stipoides) and Wheat-grass (Anthosachne scabra). The C4 grasses evolved more recently in response to drying across planet Earth and have adaptations that allow them to conserve water. These species don’t begin their main growth phase until mid-spring, continuing to grow over the summer period. C4 grasses in our region include Kangaroo Grass (Themeda triandra) and Red-legged-grass (Bothriochloa macra).
Identifying different grass species can be tricky but is well worth the effort. Once you start looking closely, you will find that each species has different types of seeds that distinguish it from others. A small hand lens will enable you to see these seeds up close, or a step further is to invest in a stereo microscope, many which now have cameras that can take great macro photos.

Different species of Wallaby-grass (Rytidosperma spp.)

So if you can spare some time in the next few months, get out in the Box Ironbark and check out some grasses, you will be amazed at what you find! Many of our native grasses are also easy to grow, require minimal watering and can look spectacular in the garden.

Native garden in Castlemaine dominated by Common Tussock-grass (Poa labillardieri)

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Two reminders: FOBIF breakup and treasurer’s position

  1. The FOBIF end of the year gathering is on next Monday (9 December) at 6 pm in Walmer. You can find all the details here. 

Setting for our breakup near the Walmer South Nature Conservation Reserve.

2. Last week we posted about the current FOBIF treasurer vacancy. The position is still open. Our temporary treasurer, Lisa Hall, will be at breakup next Monday so if you are thinking of joining the FOBIF team this would be the perfect opportunity to find out more. 

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