

Our walks are on Sundays, they are free and non-members are welcome. We meet at 9.30am outside 30 Templeton Street, Castlemaine (Castlemaine Community House) and carpool to the start of the walk. Bring water, morning tea and lunch. Walks are cancelled on Total Fire Ban days in the area. Please check the website  for possible alterations.

You can read our advice to walkers document here.

For more information contact Gen Blades 0431 371 065 or Lisa Hall 0488 102 191


16 March   Fryers Ridge Nature Conservation Reserve  
Frances Cincotta 0491 108 766
A 5 km loop in Fryers Ridge Nature Conservation Reserve a few kms west of Taradale. The walk is all on wide, well-formed tracks with some up and down but nothing steep. Bring morning tea and lunch. We will get back to Castlemaine approximately 1.30pm.

20 April   Loddon River  
Gen Blades 0431 371 065 & Lisa Hall 0488 102 191
The walk is a continuation downstream from the finishing point of last year’s walk at the Jenning’s farm near Baringhup, for about 5 kms to Hamiltons Crossing. Barry Golding (Federation University) will point out some points of interest along the way, including Indigenous cultural sites, Aboriginal Protectorate site and geological features. The walk follows the river traversing farmland at the edge of the Moolort Plains, on unformed tracks.

18 May   Pre-1852 Eucalypts, Maldon  
Bev Phillips, Maldon Urban Landcare (MULGA) 0407 770 359
We will visit approximately 40 pre-1852 Eucalypt trees at the Bill Woodfull Reserve, Maldon Primary School, Maldon Hospital, St Brigid’s Catholic Church, Eaglehawk Pit revegetation site, and private properties. The estimated age of the trees visited is between 170 and 550 years. Information will be provided about how to identify the particular species of Box trees. Meet at the Community House at 9.30am or the rotunda in the Shire Gardens, High Street, Maldon (next to the Visitor Information Centre) at 9.50. Some of the historic sites from the gold mining days will be visited along the way. About 3-4km, 2.5-3 hours, along footpaths, roadsides, gravel tracks, one short, steepish hill.

15 June  
Long walk
: Leanganook/ Mount Alexander    
Jeremy Holland 0409 933 046
This walk will explore some of the lesser visited spurs, gullies and granite features on the east flanks of the mountain. The exact route yet to be determined but will be about 12 km with some good steep climbs. This walk will leave the Community House at 9am.   

Short walk: Moss  
Cassia Read 0432357191 & Bernard Slattery 0499 624 160
This 1-3km walk will focus on getting a look at a good sample of the mosses of the region, with maybe a few lichens thrown in. We’re currently focussed on the mysterious Great Wall of Chewton, but will choose the precise location depending on how the winter rains shape up, and which sites will give us the best variety and number of species. Check the website closer to the date.

20 July   Coliban Main Channel, Malmsbury  
Steve Charman 0411 357 601
The focus of this return walk will be the Coliban Main Channel in Malmsbury, starting at Malmsbury Reservoir and describing a 6-7 kms loop that will, in part, return along the Coliban River. While the walk may prove disappointing for the botanists, there’ll be plenty for the history buffs. Mostly easy flat walking, but with one or two gates to climb. Meet at the Community House at 9.30am or at the Malmsbury Reservoir Picnic Ground at 10am. 

17 August   Mount Tarrengower   
Peter Strang 0408 181 114
This is a scenic 7 km walk of moderate difficulty at Mount Tarrengower with Indigenous sites and local flora.  Some steep sections on the way down and great views of the surrounding countryside. Meet at the Castlemaine Community House at 9.30am or Butts Reserve, Mount Tarrengower Road at 9.50am.

21 September   Kalimna and surrounds  
Karl Just 0434 815 374
Along this 3-4 kms walk we will talk about the ecology of a few of the rare animals found in Kalimna as we walk through their habitat, including the Eltham Copper Butterfly, Bibron’s Toadlet, Brush-tailed Phascogale and Golden Sun-moth. We will descend into Happy Valley, and then wander through the Yellow Box woodlands of Moonlight Creek, a haven for many woodland bird species, before heading back up to the ridge where there are views of Tarrengower, Leanganook and Lalgambook. On the way back we will see if we can spot one of the regions rarest plant species, the beautiful Lanky Buttons daisy, and of course there will be masses of wildflowers to see throughout the walk!

19 October   Fryers Ranges  
Christine Henderson 0417 529 392
The walk will be an opportunity to see and admire the October wildflowers in the Fryers Ranges. While earlier flowerings will have faded, October is the month for many spectacular offerings, including several pea species. Between 5 and 7kms, depending on conditions. 

3 Responses to Walks

  1. Pingback: Muckleford Gorge: a privileged excursion | Friends of the Box-Ironbark Forests

  2. Frank Forster says:

    Another excellent program, again showcasing the wonderful diversity to be found in our environs.

  3. Pingback: Long and short FOBIF walks, June 16 2024 | Friends of the Box-Ironbark Forests

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