Author Archives: fobif

Journey through fire

A good group rocked up in threatening weather for FOBIF’s July walk in the Fryers NCR at Drummond. Grey it was, and even misty, but great for walking. It might have been cold, but of course no one noticed, and … Continue reading

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FOBIF July 21 walk: Drummond North/Fryers Nature Conservation Reserve

Starting on the Old Drummond Road, we’ll take a route centred on Nener Track. This short, pretty track is the site of abundant populations of two rare plants—Round-leaf Flat Pea and Fryerstown Grevillea. The route will give walkers a chance … Continue reading

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Ever wondered what that orange stuff is?

It’s all over the place. It’s quite attractive too…but what is it? If you’ve ever asked that question, as we have, the answer is at hand, in the latest edition of Wombat Forestcare’s wonderful newsletter. In a typically informative article, … Continue reading

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Birds of the Castlemaine region book

In 2018, BirdLife Castlemaine – the newest regional branch of BirdLife Australia – was launched, and has subsequently held regular walks, talks, nature diary days, surveys and other activities.  The geographic extent of the branch overlaps considerably with FOBIFs area … Continue reading

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An expedition through time

A good group braved the chill to walk along Forest Creek yesterday. Led by Marie Jones, the walk started at the Monster Meeting site and walked north along the track to Expedition Pass Reservoir (through Castlemaine Diggings NHP). Pauses were … Continue reading

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Coliban channel walk is now a fire zone

Users of FOBIF’s guide to Twenty bushwalks in the Mount Alexander region should be aware that the amenity of Walk 13 has been affected by this year’s Management fire. The section of this walk between Old Coach Road and Dearden … Continue reading

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Some less depressing stuff

As we’ve noted before, it’s worth taking a prowl around Department burns, just to observe what happens in the aftermath of a fire. Of course, you need to be careful: as we’ve pointed out, these fires tend to make trees … Continue reading

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FOBIF and Forest Fire management: a list of differences

FOBIF and Castlemaine Field Naturalists representatives met with fire officers in the Fryers Forest in February to discuss differences of opinion about fire. The discussion was lengthy and clarified [again] the difference in outlook of the two groups. The following … Continue reading

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FOBIF’s May walk: to the Res and back

Our May walk next Sunday starts at the Monster Meeting site on Golden Point Road and follows the Forest Creek Track from Chewton to Expedition Pass Reservoir (Castlemaine Diggings National Heritage Park). We’ll meet at the Community House as usual … Continue reading

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The botanical life of a plant punk, and the story of a seaweed

The guest speaker at the monthly meeting of the Castlemaine Field Naturalists will be Professor Tim Entwisle. Professor Entwisle is an author, botanist and former director of botanic gardens in Melbourne, Sydney and London. He also lived for a few … Continue reading

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