Beautiful weather enticed a strong group to join FOBIF’s August walk through the Maldon Historic reserve yesterday. The area is noted for its biodiversity, and though it’s still early in the season, there was plenty to see, including several species of Wattle in flower, numerous Leopard and Greenhood orchids, spectacular Hardenbergia, and fine beds of Juniper moss abundant in red stemmed sporeheads.
The walk traversed the 311 hectare block which DELWP proposes to burn over the next twelve months, a matter of serious concern to local conservationists, especially since we are told that an El Nino warm dry period is coming, something which could affect recovery.

Morning tea. Photo Bronwyn Silver
Our thanks to Nev Cooper and Beth Mellick for taking us along a consistently interesting route. This included an intimate look at 19th century rail engineering via a curious tunnel transit, entry to which vaguely resembled Platform 9¾ at Paddington Station (all emerged safely).
Photos below by Euan Moore
- Golden Moths orchid (Diuris chryseopsis)
- Slime mould
- Tall Greenhood (Pterostylis melagramma)
- Thin-leaf Wattle (Acacia aculeatissima)
- Damselfly
Photos below by Bernard Slattery
- All emerged safely.
- Acacia aculeatissima
- Leopard Orchid
- Lunch
- Smiths Reef dam
Noel Young has sent us a bird and flowering plant list from the walk.
Next month’s walk is in the Fryers Ranges. Check the program for details.