That persistent gold…is it gorse? Is it oxalis? Is it Cootamundra Wattle? Is it a pain? Yes to all four!
Let’s forget about Oxalis and Cootamundra, and focus on gorse (Ulex europaeus). Introduced to Australia as a hedge plant in the 1880s, it’s now one of our worst weeds, and has few friends in this country.

Gorse: it’s estimated to cost over a million dollars annually in the central highlands through lost productivity and control costs. A mature infestation can produce up to six million seeds a hectare…and seeds can last in the soil for up to 30 years.
The Victorian Gorse Taskforce will be delivering a series of community-wide extension programs in the Sutton Grange, Ballarat and Pipers Creek areas through July 2020.
The VGT Extension Officer, Brydie Murrihy, will conduct a property assessment either alone or assisted by the landowner and will provide professional best practice management advice tailored to the property.
The landowner will receive extension material and information on any support or assistance that may be available to them, a property map detailing location of gorse plants, a detailed weed management plan and follow up phone calls and/or visits with landholders if required.
This program is a free service and the property inspections will be scheduled to suit the participants involved.
For enquires and to set-up an inspection contact: Brydie Murrihy 0428 335 705 or email