A good group rocked up for FOBIF’s April walk into the Salter’s Creek-Smutta’s Track area on Sunday. As expected, the bush is showing numerous signs of drought stress, including a significant number of dying Golden Wattles. Nevertheless, this corner of the Diggings Park has plenty of charm even in its present desolate state, and the walk was completed in good spirits, although it must be said that no one sprinted up the almost vertical track out of the Bradfield flumes.
The following photos will give an idea of the different faces of this little valley. First, after a week of heavy rain, in 2013:

Salters Creek, August 2013: after good rain, the creek filled nicely – but we were aware that this was an unusual event.
And here’s the same spot, as walkers passed it yesterday–almost unrecognisable:

The same spot, Easter 2019. The forked tree in the top photo has collapsed into the dry creek bed. Even the deepest pools in the creek are now dry.
Our thanks to Rex Odgers and Julie Hurley for taking the group into this great corner of the Park, and for the informed commentary on the history of the water race.
Noel Young sent us these photos of the walk.
Next month’s walk is in the area of Stone’s Gully, south of Vaughan Springs. Check the program for details.