Alison Pouliot’s new book on fungi

The Allure of Fungi by Alison Pouliot has recently been published by the CSIRO.  

Alison’s press release:

“Although relatively little known, fungi provide the links between the terrestrial organisms and ecosystems that underpin our functioning planet.

The Allure of Fungi presents fungi through multiple perspectives – those of mycologists and ecologists, foragers and forayers, naturalists and farmers, aesthetes and artists, philosophers and Traditional Owners. It explores how a history of entrenched fears and misconceptions about fungi has led to their near absence in Australian ecological consciousness and biodiversity conservation.

Through a combination of text and visual essays, the author reflects on how aesthetic, sensate experience deepened by scientific knowledge offers the best chance for understanding fungi, the forest and human interactions with them.

Although relatively little known, fungi provide the links between the terrestrial organisms and ecosystems that underpin our functioning planet.


  • An interdisciplinary exploration of fungi, their role in nature and relationships with different cultures
  • Engaging personal anecdotes take readers on a journey of discovery into the world of fungi and fungus enthusiasts
  • Combines text and evocative visual essays in an amalgam of history, science and art.”

The Allure of Fungi has 280 pages, 82 colour photographs and costs $49.99. Purchasing details can be found here.

Alison has been a speaker at Friends of the Box-Ironbark Forests and Connecting Country events and has run local workshops on fungi and photography in central Victoria for many years. She is a worldwide expert on fungi, an excellent photographer and an inspiring teacher.

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