Want to put your hand up?

Here’s a reminder: the FOBIF Annual General Meeting will be held at the Ray Bradfield Rooms on Monday July 11 at 7.30 p.m.

Our guest speaker will be Martin Scuffins from the Leigh Valley Hawk and Owl sanctuary.

Do you want to play a role on the FOBIF committee? Or nominate someone else to the committee? All that’s needed is a piece of paper signed by the nominee, a nominator and a seconder–all FOBIF members. There’s no need of an official form, but for convenience, here’s a sample:

I nominate_________________________________

for the position of____________________________



I accept the above nomination


Positions on the committee are President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and two ordinary members.

The FOBIF constitution is the Model Rules of Association provided by Consumer Affairs Victoria. These provide that if the number of nominations received before the AGM equals the number of places, those nominated will be declared elected. If there is an excess of nominees over places, an election will take place at the meeting.

Please note that all FOBIF committee meetings are open to any member to attend and contribute. They are held at the Continuing Education building in Templeton Street Castlemaine on the second Monday of each month from February to December, at 6 pm.

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