A stroll among the ruins and the recovery

A smallish group tackled FOBIF’s June walk yesterday, on a circuitous route around The Monk, taking in many of the more notable mining sites of the area. The weather was fine and cool with extensive patches of sunshine: perfect for walking. The bush is looking pretty healthy with rampant regrowth of Golden Wattle, among other species. It will be spectacular in the season–and Golden Wattles are already starting to flower.

In the Eureka Mine zone: one day this could be world heritage!

The route chosen crossed the Eureka Mine site, but ventured into some obscure but fascinating corners: in fact, it could be argued that the interest of the mining history of this region is in its abandonment, the fact that much of what remains is not signposted, and has to be found by adventurous explorers, not tourists with a map.

‘Now, what’s this about quartz?’ Part of the FOBIF group wondering about the gold question.

Our thanks to Lionel Jenkins and Barb Guerin, for devising a route which took in some really isolated, thought provoking sites.

Next month FOBIF is offering two walks: a long and a short! Check the program for details.

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