Last Friday walkers came across these unusual flowers near the Loop Track at the southern end of the Castlemaine Diggings National Heritage Park. Frances Cincotta identified the plant as Rosy Baeckea Eurymyrtus ramosissima. According to Ern Perkin’s database it is a native in the Myrtle Family, rare in our region but much more common in the Bendigo Whipstick and the Dargile-Heathcote area. It was formerly called Baeckea ramosissima. We would be interested to know if anyone else has spotted this plant locally. You can contact fobif here.

Rosy Baeckea Eurymyrtus ramosissima. Loop Track. Photos: Bronwyn Silver
Also near the Loop Track but not yet in flower is the Scented Bush-pea Pultenaea graveolens. This native pea can also be found along parts of Porcupine Ridge Road. It grows to a metre or more high and the flowers are single, on short stalks from the leaf bases. Although listed as ‘vulnerable’ under the Fauna and Flora Guarantee Act there are masses of this shrub near Loop Track. You can see more of Ern’s photos here.

Scented Bush-pea Pultenaea graveolens. Porcupine Ridge. Photo: Ern Perkins
Last is the Matted Bush Pea Pultenaea pedunculata which is about to flower along the Wewak Track. This prostrate mat-forming plant pea provides a truly magnificent display for several kilometres during October. We will keep you posted about when it is in flower.

Matted Bush-pea Pultenaea Pedunculata. Wewak Track, 25 October 2018. Photo: Bronwyn Silver
You can find the Wewak and Loop Tracks on the Italian Hill and Loop Track maps (look in the Castlemaine Diggings section) on Jase Haysom‘s website. If you need help with directions contact FOBIF.