Reminder about FOBIF AGM on 12 September

As outlined in a previous post, the FOBIF AGM will be held in the Ray Bradfield Room on 12 September beginning at 7.30. After a short time for AGM formalities Patrick Kavanagh will deliver on talk on Photographing Nature. Patrick has contributed to all of our FOBIF photography shows. He describes his interest in photograph in the following words:

I live in the woodlands of Central Victoria, where I am so often amazed and moved by the natural wonders that surround me. The vastness of the night sky, the magic of a small bird safe to come so close, the other-worldly grace of an insect, the purity of refraction in a dew drop on a moss. With my camera, I try to hold onto some of these extraordinary glimpses and to share them.

Photos by Patrick Kavanagh

If you would like to nominate for the FOBIF Committee see details in this previous post

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