As explained in an earlier post, this year’s first FOBIF walk will take place on 20 March and will be a combined FOBIF/Connecting Country event. The walk on private property in Strangways (near Newstead) will be led by Andrew Skeoch (Listening Earth) and Tanya Loos (Connecting Country). Have a look at our walks page to find out more.
The walk will be part of the Feather Five Festival which will take place during the weekend of 19-20 March (click here for media release). More about the festival can also be found by clicking on the poster below and at the Connecting Country website.
You will need to book for this first walk as places are limited (booking closes 17th March 2016). Book online at As with other FOBIF walks there is no charge and we will meet at 9.30 at Continuing Education in Templeton Street. Parking is limited at the property so buses will be used to transport walkers to the starting point. The use of this booking system is a one-off as future FOBIF walks will not need to limit the number of walkers.