Bridal Creeper meeting

On April 18 FOBIF and other environmental groups met in Castlemaine with Shauna Potter, national bridal creeper coordinator, to discuss methods of control for this increasingly worrying weed.

Conscious of the rampant spread of the creeper, we undertook a small control program near Forest Creek in Chewton last year, with the aid of a Parks Victoria grant.

Shauna confirmed our view that the best method of dealing with the creeper is to attack small outlying infestations, and to pin our faith on the spread of the rust which has been introduced in recent years. The rust is not prominent in the lush growth of bridal creeper presently visible, but it is present, and can be expected to be more obvious in Spring. Nuggety Landcare has been active in spreading it, and made it available to landcare activists last year.

Infestation of Bridal Creeper at Campbells Creek. Photo: Bryan McMullan, April 2011.

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